Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Top 5 Best Weight Loss Supplements

It’s 2015 and chances are you’ve made the choice to hit the gym and drop those extra pounds that have plagued you all of 2014.

But sometimes success can be boosted beyond diet and exercise with the help of weight loss supplements. But first and foremost, you have to remember that weight loss supplements are just that: supplements. They aren’t magical pills that shed the pounds. Dropping those unwanted LB’s will take sweat equity and eating right.

Still, supplements can give you the extra oomph to get that metabolism going.

But before deciding to implement any one of these highly-rated supplements into your workout regimen and diet, consult your doctor.

Also remember that the prices posted here are reflective of when this article was published.

1. Garcinia Cambogia by NaturaBest

Garcinia cambogia is a fruit-bearing tree with native populations in Asia, Australia, tropical and southern Africa, and Polynesia. Its fruit, known as “mangosteens”, is popular among many animals. Its rind however is what humans relish. The extract of its rind contains a chemical that is a known appetite suppressant. Many weight loss supplements contain garcinia cambogia as an active ingredient, but NaturaBest offers it in its purest form.
Every bottle contains 60, 1000mg capsules produced in an FDA approved facility in the United States.
Garcinia cambogia also promotes healthy serotonin levels and increases energy.

2. Ubervita W700 Thermogenic Hyper Metabolizer

Ubervita W700 is a thermogenic herbal blend weight loss supplement.
Thermogenic means just what it sounds like. It’s meant to increase body heat to burn fat faster. This can be done with a number of compounds, but the most popular are caffeine and ephedrine. Thermogenic supplements are most commonly used by bodybuilders and other “show” athletes that want to give their body that extra-cut look.
Ubervita W700 is one of the one most trusted thermogenic supplements with certified ingredients produced in the United States.

3. Xentrafen PM

Xentrafen PM is a nighttime thermogenic weight loss product, which means you can lose weight while you sleep.

Unlike Ubervita W700, Xentrafen PM contains no caffeine or other stimulants that will keep you awake so it’s ideal for nighttime use. In fact, its ingredients even promote deeper, better sleep. It will also curb those midnight snack cravings which plague so many of us.

To see the best results of Xentrafen PM, pair it with its daytime counterpart Xentrafen.

Both Xentrafen and Xentrafen PM contain anti-phentermine chemicals, which are known and proven appetite suppressants.

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